Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS)
Google (Green Publisher) (Admin)Thu, 18 Jul 2024 07:35:52 +0000OJS and Position of Adopted Children According to KHI and Common LAW
<p>In Indonesia, three inheritance law systems apply namely civil, Islamic, and customary inheritance law. These three legal systems are implemented because there is no national inheritance law that can regulate all Indonesian people. This study aims to explain the position and inheritance rights of adopted children in the view of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) and customary law. This research is descriptive normative legal research. Considering that the object of this study is the issue of the position and inheritance rights of adopted children as seen from Islamic inheritance law and customary law (jurisprudence), this type of research uses a normative juridical approach with a library research pattern. The research results showed that according to KHI, adopted children are not recognized as heirs of their adoptive parents, because the main principle of Islamic inheritance is a blood relationship. Meanwhile, according to Supreme Court jurisprudence, adopted children are equated with biological children and are considered capable of inheriting the assets of their adoptive parents.</p>Silfi Rizkina, Arief Suryono
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 24 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000Determinants of Income Inequality in Indonesia
<p>Indonesia's elevation to an upper-middle-income country in 2019 still leaves unresolved issues of income inequality. While the Indonesian government has implemented several policies to address this, the spatial aspects have not been adequately considered. This study utilizes panel data from 34 provinces in Indonesia over the period 2018-2020 to identify the determinants of income inequality and examine the presence of regional spatial connections influencing income inequality. The findings reveal that per capita income and foreign direct investment have a negative relationship with income inequality, whereas exports and imports have a positive relationship. Additionally, there is no evidence of spatial linkages between regions affecting income inequality. These insights suggest that policies aimed at reducing income inequality should focus more on economic factors rather than spatial considerations.</p>Hanif Arif Baskoro, Dwi Budi Santoso, Farah Wulandari Pangestuty
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Impact Of The Pre-Employment Card Program On Labor Force Participation In Indonesia (A Post-Covid-19 Analysis)
<p>This study aims to examine the changes in labor absorption, particularly post-COVID-19, influenced by the Pre-Employment Card Program and sociodemographic characteristics. The main variable, the Pre-Employment Card Program, is analyzed based on recipients' status or those who have participated in training and received incentives. Sociodemographic characteristics include three variables: gender (using a dummy variable), education level (seven equivalent education levels), and age (25 to 44 years). Data from the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) for February 2022, conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Indonesia, is utilized. With a sample of 76,363 respondents aged 25 to 44 years, the study employs the binomial logit method to assess the influence of independent variables on changes in employment status. The results indicate that: a) the Pre-Employment Card Program has a smaller impact on employment compared to other variables, b) males are more likely to be employed than females post-pandemic, c) higher education levels increase the likelihood of employment, and d) older individuals are more likely to be employed or remain employed post-pandemic compared to younger individuals.</p>Abu Yazid, Marlina Ekawaty, Dias Satria
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000Critical Analysis of Strengthening Honest Character Through The Honesty Canteen at Kutabima 03 Cimanggu Elementary School Cimanggu District, Cilacap Regency Academic Year 2023/2024
<p>This study aims to analyze the strengthening of honest character values through the honesty canteen at Kutabima 03 Cimanggu Elementary School. Methods and strategies have been implemented in efforts to strengthen honest character in the school environment, one of which is through the honesty canteen. The honesty canteen is a concept where the canteen is managed by relying on the honesty of its visitors. This study uses the Miles & Huberman data analysis technique. The subjects of this study are the principal, teachers, managers, and students. Data collection methods include interviews, observation, and documentation. Data verification techniques use source and technical triangulation. The results of the study indicate that the honesty canteen has great potential in instilling honesty values, but there are several supporting and inhibiting factors that need attention. Supporting factors include: support from the principal and teachers, involvement of students, parents, and the community, and effective socialization and education. On the other hand, inhibiting factors include a lack of implementation management, insufficient supervision, and evaluation of the honesty canteen implementation. The conclusion of this study is that the honesty canteen has a self-service system concept, which is a system where students carry out the purchase transaction process on their own without direct assistance from staff. Through this system, students are trained to act honestly when buying from the honesty canteen. The honesty canteen can be an effective learning medium for students in instilling honesty values</p>Indah Hapsari Arum Mawarni
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 22 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Effect of Animated Videos on Flood Disaster Mitigation Knowledge in Children Aged 5-6 Years
<p>This study aims to: (1) examine the effect of animated videos on flood disaster mitigation knowledge in children aged 5-6 years; (2) compare the effectiveness of animated videos versus conventional learning methods in enhancing flood disaster mitigation knowledge and personal safety among this age group. This quasi-experimental study employed a non-equivalent control group design with a sample of 21 children from PKK 94 Kindergarten and 18 children from Adi Siswa Kindergarten in Bantul Regency. Data were collected through observation and documentation and analyzed using Paired Sample t-test and Independent Sample t-test at a 0.05 significance level. The results indicate that (1) there is a significant improvement in flood disaster mitigation knowledge following the use of animated videos, as evidenced by a Paired Sample t-Test (p = 0.001); and (2) animated videos were more effective than conventional methods, as indicated by the Independent Sample t-Test (p = 0.001). These findings suggest that animated videos are a beneficial tool for teaching flood disaster mitigation to young children.</p>Siti Ainun Nasution, Puji Yanti Fauziah
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 22 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Impact of Leadership and Quality Assurance on Organizational Performance of Private Universities in Banten
<p>Leadership and quality assurance are two crucial components that play a role in the success of an organization, especially in higher education. Both have a close relationship and have a major influence on improving institutional performance. This study aims to explore the impact of leadership and quality assurance on organizational performance in private universities in Banten. The research method used is qualitative, with data collection conducted through observation and literature study. Once the data was collected, the analysis was conducted through several steps, including data filtering, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that leadership and quality assurance are interrelated and mutually supportive. Strong leaders play a role in encouraging the implementation of an effective quality assurance system. On the other hand, a good quality assurance system also provides support to leaders in carrying out their job responsibilities. Both contribute significantly to improving the performance of private universities in Banten. Therefore, it is important to integrate leadership and quality assurance in all academic and non-academic activities. The implications of this study suggest that private universities in Banten should consider leadership development programs and robust quality assurance mechanisms as part of their strategic planning to drive sustainable performance improvements. Furthermore, policymakers in higher education could leverage these findings to formulate guidelines that reinforce the synergy between leadership and quality assurance across institutions, thereby enhancing overall educational standards and competitiveness.</p>Subai Subai, Syadeli Hanafi, Soleh Hidayat
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 29 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000Challenges of Beginner Elementary School Principals in the Buffer Area of Surakarta Municipality
<p>Elementary school (SD) principals play a crucial role in determining the success of education in schools. In the buffer areas of Surakarta Municipality, elementary school principals often face unique challenges that impact their performance. This study aims to identify the challenges faced by novice elementary school principals in the buffer areas of Surakarta Municipality. This study employs a descriptive method with data collection conducted through a survey technique. Respondents consist of 60 novice school principals who have served for less than three years. The collected data are analyzed through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that novice elementary school principals in the buffer areas of Surakarta Municipality face various challenges, such as a lack of experience and knowledge, limited resources, and insufficient community support. To overcome these challenges, principals employ various strategies, such as attending training and seminars, building networks with other schools, and collaborating with the community. This study provides recommendations for enhancing support for novice principals to improve the quality of education in these areas.</p>Nurjaningsih, Gunarhadi, Sunardi, Sukarmin
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 07 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Legal Implications of Deep Seabed Mining on the Sustainability of the Blue Economy in Indonesia
<p>This research examines the legal implications of deep seabed mining on blue economy sustainability. Indonesia, as an archipelagic country, has enormous marine potential that needs to be managed with a blue economy approach to support sustainable economic growth and community welfare. This research uses a normative legal method with a statutory approach to analyze various related regulations. The results show that deep seabed mining can make a significant contribution to the economy, especially through the extraction of minerals such as nickel, copper and cobalt. However, this activity also poses serious environmental risks, including damage to marine ecosystems and increased carbon emissions that impact climate change. Therefore, a comprehensive and sustainable regulatory framework is needed, integrating blue economy and precautionary principles to ensure that the exploitation of deep-sea resources is carried out responsibly and sustainably.</p>Edward Michael Harapan Simangunsong, Muhammad Faisal Hamdi, Anisa Latifah Rahman Lubis, Fariss Febrian, Benny Sumardiana
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Influence of the Technology Acceptance Model on the Decision to Pay ZIS through Digital Payment in Malang City
<p>The COVID-19 pandemic has increased society's reliance on technology. Today’s society tends to shift its style and behavior towards digital in every activity and transaction, including the payment of Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah (ZIS). This study aims to analyze the influence of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on the decision to pay ZIS through digital payment in Malang City. This research uses a quantitative approach with a purposive sampling technique. Primary data was collected through distributing questionnaires to 150 respondents. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS software version 3. The results showed that the variables perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use had a significant influence on the decision to pay ZIS. This study implies that the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of technology can encourage people to make digital payments for ZIS.</p>Nabila Akhiris Rakhmania, Multifiah, Iswan Noor
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000Effectiveness of Tpack-Based Learning on Student Learning Outcomes in Elementary Schools
<p>21st-century learning demands that teachers integrate communication and collaboration skills, along with the use of information technology, into a framework known as TPACK. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, and the data collection technique employed is interviews. The subjects of this research are teachers and sixth-grade students of SD Negeri Kalisabuk 03 Kesugihan, Cilacap Regency. There are seven components to TPACK that need to be understood: Technological Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, Content Knowledge, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. This article aims to determine the effectiveness of TPACK-based learning on student learning outcomes in elementary schools. The results of this study indicate that TPACK-based learning is effective for elementary school education and can enhance student learning outcomes. Additionally, the implementation of TPACK-based learning in elementary schools for sixth-grade students shows that all students are enthusiastic and actively participate in the learning process.</p>Linatus Shofiyah
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 22 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Analysis of the Quality of Public Services in the Health Sector at Centro Da Saude Vera-Cruz, Municipiu Dili, East Timor
<p>This study aims to assess user satisfaction and identify areas for improvement in the quality of health services at Centro da Saude Vera-Cruz, Municipio Dili, Timor-Leste. Specifically, it evaluates key service dimensions including tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy from the perspective of service users. A quantitative approach was employed, utilizing a Likert scale to measure respondents' perceptions across these dimensions. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution and cross-tabulation based on respondent characteristics such as age and marital status. The results indicate that most respondents expressed agreement, strong agreement, and high satisfaction with the health services provided, although a minority expressed dissatisfaction. Further analysis showed that respondents aged 31-40 were more likely to express strong agreement with service quality. Overall, among the 60 respondents surveyed, the findings reflect a generally positive perception of the health services at Centro da Saude Vera-Cruz, while highlighting certain aspects where dissatisfaction remains. These insights offer a foundation for targeted improvements in service delivery.</p>Inácio Sarmento Viegas, Desideius Priyo Sudibyo, Rino Ardhian Nugroho
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice in Indonesia it is Associated with the Renewal Criminal Law
<p>Criminal acts arise from various aspects of human activity, including the political, social and economic spheres. The success of law enforcement is traditionally measured by the ability to bring criminals to justice and impose appropriate penalties. However, in certain minor cases, such as theft, embezzlement, and fraud with minimal losses, the public questions the need for prosecution, as they believe that prosecution does not match the seriousness of the offense. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implications and effectiveness of prosecution discontinuation based on restorative justice in the Indonesian legal framework. Using a qualitative research approach, this study examines the regulatory structure and practical application of restorative justice in Indonesia. Data was collected through document analysis and interviews with legal practitioners to explore alignment of regulations with legal principles and community expectations. The research findings show that, although restorative justice offers a viable avenue to achieve peace between offenders and victims, its implementation in Indonesia is still limited, as it is not yet embedded in the broader criminal law system. Currently, peace agreements between the parties are only considered as a mitigating factor in the sentencing process. This research suggests that stronger legal legitimacy for restorative justice, such as the inclusion of restorative justice into the Draft Criminal Procedure Code is essential to adapt to the evolving legal culture and public expectations. The implications of this research highlight the need for comprehensive criminal law reform to ensure justice that aligns with societal values and contemporary legal standards.</p>Fajar Rudi Manurung, Topo Santoso, M. Eka Putra, Marlina Marlina
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000Transforming Education in the 5.0 Era: Utilizing Technology to Improve Critical Thinking and Creativity in The Digital Generation
<p>The Era 5.0 is marked by a significant shift towards a more human-centered society supported by technology. This transformation is occurring in various fields, including education. Education in Era 5.0 must adapt and innovate to prepare digital generation graduates who are not only proficient in digital literacy but also possess high critical and creative thinking skills. This study aims to analyze the transformation of education in Era 5.0 by utilizing technology to enhance critical and creative thinking skills in the digital generation. The research applied the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. Information was obtained from reputable scientific journals and filtered through searches in electronic databases such as Google Scholar and Scopus. The data were then analyzed through three steps: data reduction, data presentation, and data analysis, followed by drawing conclusions. The study's findings indicate that the utilization of technology in education can improve students' critical and creative thinking skills. Technology can enhance these abilities by helping students reflect on presented data and question its veracity and reliability. Additionally, technology can encourage students to participate in group discussions, which helps them hone their critical and creative thinking skills in developing innovative solutions or arguments. Lastly, technology can provide students with more complex and challenging tasks that require higher-order thinking. Therefore, optimal use of technology is essential in education to address the challenges of the Education 5.0 era dominated by the digital generation. </p>Oria Lasmana, Festiyet, Abdul Razak, Muhyiatul Fadilah
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000Indonesia and Malaysia: Convergence of Syariah Bank Rental and Conventional Bank Credit Agreements
<p>Murabahah products from Islamic banks are often favored by bankers because they mimic conventional bank credit arrangements. The fundamental principle of murabahah is to sell a product at a price equal to the cost of the item plus an agreed-upon profit margin. From this perspective, it is suggested that debt arrangements contain components similar to credit arrangements. This study aims to investigate the relationship between Islamic banking and traditional bank credit agreements using convergence theory, which compares various legal systems or examines how their similarities and differences are correlated. The author uses a qualitative approach by analyzing existing literature on murabahah in Indonesia and Malaysia and applying convergence theory to evaluate the modifications made in murabahah practices in both countries. The study finds that the murabahah applied in Indonesia has several minor modifications that could violate Sharia principles, render the law illegitimate, and negatively affect legal certainty and protection. Malaysia uses the Bai al-Inah contract, which is applied once, whereas Indonesia uses the Murabahah contract, which is applied twice. This difference reflects how Islamic Sharia is implemented and studied in an academic context in both countries. Bai al-Inah is considered a debt, and according to Islamic fiqh, selling debt is prohibited.</p>Rahmad Nauli Siregar, Hasim Purba, Utary Maharany Barus, Idha Aprilyana Sembiring
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Serving Leadership Model in Stunting Handling Policy in West Papua Province
<p>Indonesia faces a significant burden of malnutrition, particularly stunting, despite being the largest economy in Southeast Asia and the 17th largest globally. This study aims to analyze the stunting reduction policy in West Papua Province during the leadership of Acting Governor Paulus Waterpauw in 2022, as well as to evaluate the leadership model demonstrated in addressing the stunting issue, in line with President Joko Widodo's directives to local government officials. The research employed a qualitative approach by analyzing primary and secondary data sources, including policy documents, government reports, and interviews with key stakeholders. The study found that the acceleration of stunting reduction in West Papua during the 2022-2023 period was implemented through five key strategic policies: the issuance of Governor's Regulation No. 17 of 2023, the establishment of the TPPS task force, direct visits (blusukan) to stunting-prone areas, declarations and joint commitments by Regional Government officials, and foster child programs. Paulus Waterpauw's leadership in executing these policies was characterized by a servant leadership model, reflected in qualities such as listening, empathy, conceptualization, foresight, and community-building. These qualities played a crucial role in prioritizing and effectively addressing the stunting issue in West Papua, in accordance with national leadership directives.</p>Paulus Waterpauw
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Financial Technology Peer-to-Peer Lending Accountability for Default Events in Channeling Financing Cooperation with Digital Banks
<p>Digital disruption has transformed the banking sector from conventional to digital services, driving new forms of collaboration between digital banks and fintech lending companies. This study aims to analyze the legal aspects and identify the risks involved in channeling financing schemes within these partnerships. With fintech lending dominating Indonesia’s fintech ecosystem, digital banks face heightened credit risks due to the unpredictable nature of non-performing loans in fintech. The legal framework governing these collaborations is built on a channeling financing cooperation agreement, highlighting power dynamics and responsibilities between the parties. The findings emphasize the importance of clear and robust regulations to provide legal certainty and protection in such partnerships.</p>Tegar Aji Payoga, Pujiyono Suwadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 22 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Responsibility of Land Deed Officials: Implications of Legal Convergence on the Harmonization and Integration of Collateral Law and Telematics Law
<p>The dynamics of the convergence of telematics law within the national legal system, notably in the area of land, are represented by the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning's Regulation Number 5 of 2020, which also serves as the head of the National Land Agency. One of the effects of land digitization is the Ministerial Regulation, which has changed the mortgage rights registration process from a traditional system to an electronic or digital one. Despite being virtual, the digitalization of Mortgage Rights registration involves actual legal actions with clear legal ramifications. The Land Deed Official is directly involved in the electronic execution of Mortgage Rights, which is governed by the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency number 5 of 2020. The objective of this study is to investigate the consequences of the convergence of the Law on Mortgage Rights and the Telecommunication Law. This convergence results in the creation of digital-based Mortgage Rights via an integrated Electronic Mortgage Registration system, which is also known as the Electronic Mortgage System. The role and obligations of the Land Deed Official are also affected by this. This study employs a prescriptive, normative-juridical methodology. Based on the research findings, it is known that the conversion of the collateral registration system from a traditional system to a digital system is affected by the convergence of telematics legislation and the law of collateral guarantees. Because of the discord and breakdown of the Mortgage Law, the Electronic Information and Transactions Law, and the Regulations of the Land Deed Official, this also affects the status and legal obligations of the Land Deed Official, who fails to maintain the principle of justice..</p>Nelly Azwarni Sinaga, Ida Nurlinda, Muhammad Yamin, Zaidar Zaidar
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Science (ICSS), 21 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000